DKos on Chavez: He Ain't So Bad

Read about it here and here.
I love Chavez (13+ / 0-)
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- XOVER, jetfan, slatsg, American Zapatista, annefrank, Erevann, blueoasis, ormondotvos, bonesy, blueness, libertyisliberal, kml, Mary Mike
He puts his money where his mouth is, and he speaks truth to power.
He doesn't play ball with The Powers That Be, who would normally wreck and ruin his nation.
He survived a U.S. backed coup, so he's, ahem, a little pissed off about it.
Wouldn't you be?
How can you not root for David in the David vs. Goliath that is Chavez vs. Bush?"
Chavez for President! (n/t) (4+ / 0-)
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- Inky, slatsg, buhdydharma, goldkeyrealty
Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State. ~Edward Abbey
Chavez for Prez (2+ / 0-)
why can't our Democratic leaders give speeches like that? Honestly, compare Bush to Chavez: why is Bush better?
Notice all the recommendations for those comments.
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