DKos says: Republicans Literally Killing Off Liberals

Here's some excerpts:
Question #1: What are the odds against chance that the only U.S. political leaders to be assassinated in the past 100 years were Democratic or Progressive?
(All biographical and Anthrax Attacks information excerpted from Wikipedia entries.)
John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963), the 35th President of the United States.
Robert F. Kennedy (November 20, 1925 - June 6, 1968), a United States Senator from Massachusetts and candidate for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968), leader of the American Civil Rights Movement and peacemaker."
Question #4: What are the odds against chance that the only TV news outlets targeted in the 2001 Anthrax Attacks were ones accused of being "liberal" by some elements of the political right in the United States?
ABC News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks.
NBC News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks.
CBS News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks."
Hmmm...all three major news networks were attacked...I do see a pattern there...
Labels: conspiracy theory, daily kos, liberals
The email was sent to me by a family member (though s/he did not write it). I only read it because of that. And frankly, the rebuttals came from a reply I sent to that family member, who is so much better than to forward that tripe along had s/he seen even the potential for the kinds of interpretations I made.
I don't believe I ever said that having a White Pride Day would make its participants racists. Rather, I believe I said I thought it would be stupid and insensitive given the past associations with White Pride.
The vast majority of white people (and black people and hispanic people and... you get the point) aren't racists. I actually see very little overt racism in my day-to-day life. I was raised properly, and to be correct, Scipio, I am not white. I am Hispianic. But that's neither here nor there - no one would assume I was Hispanic without my telling them. So when I see racism, when it's ushered into my house by someone I consider not to be a racist, I react. Which is what the post was about - and I'd do it again. Bringing it into the open, no matter how rarely (or pervasively) it occurs is a correct way to confront it.
PS You didn't answer my question: how is it that you were banned from dKos? If you don't want to answer, that's fine - just let me know that you saw the question.
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