Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"Creepy and disturbing" Kossacks invade privacy of blogger

After DKos member Buffy posted a maudlin diary entry, the krazy kossacks took it upon themselves to not only expose the member, but actually showed up at her door! Buffy's former employer was also contacted.

Here is the diary that caused the whole thing.

Here are some comments in response to the diary:

"I'm crying as I type."

Please give her a hug."

"I'm in tears."

"I'm a grown man And the sheer beauty of this simple comment has me tearing up."

"It's alright to cry"

"I'm a grown woman. When I was a child I never cried. Now that I'm a more whole person, I cry all the time. Took lots of work to get here, and I'm not giving it up."

Here's a breakdown of what the Krazy Kossacks were involved with:

- Posting her personal description, and a description of her dogs
- Posting her last known locations (Boston Public Library, etc.)
- Sending her name and home address to any poster who identifies himself as a Boston resident
- Contacting her family
- Contacting former employers (this, for a woman who is already unemployed and needs references)
- Sending a stranger to visit her apartment
- Sending another stranger who will try to persuade her to get into a car with him and drive to Pennsylvania

This is why we cannot trust liberals to run this country. They are much too emotional. Imagine posting a diary after a having a bad day or drank a few too many beers, and having krazy liberals showing up at your door. Scary, huh?

Even DKos founder, Markos, called the actions of the Krazy Kossacks "creepy and disturbing". Here's some of his comments on the situation:

"Guys, while I appreciate the sentiment for Buffy's well-being and safety, there have been serious violations of privacy -- many of them completely unjustifiable. I'll probably get flamed for this, but there are some principles that are sacrosanct, and individual privacy is one of those to me.... There are lines that can be crossed, and many of you simply obliterated some of those lines with this Buffy thing...people create anonymous accounts on sites like Daily Kos because they don't want their offline activities intruding into the real world. And you guys have violated that implicit wish and done so in an extremely public matter."

Friday, October 06, 2006

This is what the country would be like if it were ruled by Kossacks

Watch it here.

Pelosi says "Drain the swamp". DKos says that's a "reprehensible human activity."

"Actually, it's a sucky image from the viewpoint of a professional environmental scientist. I get her drift, but that phrase represents a reprehensible human activity."

Another Kosmonaut adds, "Yes, one could say that it may reinforce the unfortunate attitude that real-life swamps should be drained."

Thursday, October 05, 2006

DKos obsessed with Foley, ignores other issues

One week of diaries about:
Foley = 1020
Terrorism = 371
Immigration = 87
Islam = 81

One sane diarist on DKos actually tried to get fellow members to focus on issues rather than Foley. The reaction:

"Fuck off."

College Girls and Politics -- A Horrible Mix

This video is an indictment of college "students" in general and more specifically, college girls. After watching this, I have come to two conclusions:

1) There are way too many idiots in college these days. This is the product of an overly generous government-backed student loan program.

2) College girls are fucking idiots when it comes to politics.

Kos to Kosmonauts: You People Are Such Quitters!

With Lamont down by 10 points in the polls, it looks like DKos members are already conceding the race to Lieberman. A frustrated Kos lectured his minions, "Jesus, you people are such quitters!"

But, most of DKos members are not listening to Kos. They're placing their hopes now on a late-breaking Lieberman scandal to win the election.

"Any live boys in Lieberman’s closet?" says one Kosmonaut.

" Kos, wasn't Lamont up by like 10 points in the last polls taken before the primary? He only won by 4.

I'm not saying anyone should give up, but we need to be realistic about this race. Lamont has had momentum since the primary, but it's all been in the wrong direction. At this point, I think it would take a miracle for him to win in November."

"I don't like Lieberman either Kos, but it seems like this site has a track record of backing "progressives" with very questionable progressive credentials."

The infighting proves why a strong left-wing movement is nearly impossible to sustain. Liberals are too wishy-washy and whiny to stay focused and cohesive.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Typical DKos Comment Thread

SexxxyLefty: Halliburton, Halliburton everyone!
HateTheBush: Halliburton,Halliburton SexxxyLefty. And BushLied, BushLied!
SexxxyLefty: Recommended!
LeftyLeft: hahahaha...recommended
SimonSaysLeft: lol! recommended! Katrina, Katrina
LibSystem: Yes! Halliburton,Halliburton and Katrina, Katrina!
CommieLvr: Halliburton,Halliburton, I Hate Walmart, I Hate Walmart
SexxxyLefty: OMG! Recommended! BushLied, BushLied!
LeftyLeft: Good point. Recommended! Macaca, Macaca, Racism, Racism.
LibSystem: Yes!
SimonSaysLeft: Yes!. Racism, Racism! Halliburton,Halliburton
CommieLvr: I Hate WalMart, I Hate WalMart
LibSystem: Recommended! I Hate WalMart, I Hate WalMart!
SexxxyLefty: I Hate WalMart, I Hate WalMart!
ModdieDem: Capitalism, Capitalism
CommieLvr: ??? I Hate WalMart, I Hate WalMart?!??
ModdieDem: Capitalism, Capitalism
CommieLvr: Troll, Troll!
SexxxyLefty: Troll, Troll!
LibSystem: Troll!, Troll!
SimonSaysLeft: Troll, Troll!
LeftyLeft: Troll, Troll!
SexxxyLefty: Torture, Torture! Halliburton,Halliburton. BushLied, BushLied
LibSystem: Recommended! Torture, Torture
CommieLvr: Recommended! Torture, Torture
LeftyLeft: Torture, Torture, Halliburton,Halliburton, I Hate WalMart, I Hate WalMart
SexxxyLefty: OMG! Front page this! Recommended!