Kos to Kosmonauts: You People Are Such Quitters!
With Lamont down by 10 points in the polls, it looks like DKos members are already conceding the race to Lieberman. A frustrated Kos lectured his minions, "Jesus, you people are such quitters!"
But, most of DKos members are not listening to Kos. They're placing their hopes now on a late-breaking Lieberman scandal to win the election.
"Any live boys in Lieberman’s closet?" says one Kosmonaut.
" Kos, wasn't Lamont up by like 10 points in the last polls taken before the primary? He only won by 4.
I'm not saying anyone should give up, but we need to be realistic about this race. Lamont has had momentum since the primary, but it's all been in the wrong direction. At this point, I think it would take a miracle for him to win in November."
"I don't like Lieberman either Kos, but it seems like this site has a track record of backing "progressives" with very questionable progressive credentials."
The infighting proves why a strong left-wing movement is nearly impossible to sustain. Liberals are too wishy-washy and whiny to stay focused and cohesive.
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