DKos says: Liberals Can Usher In An Age Of Utopia

This is a diary that sums up the liberal ideology. The Krazy Kosmonaut tries to contrast a conservative Utpoia to a liberal Utopia. So, what happens in a liberal's Utopia you ask? Here's a few:
"The world has never seen what can happen when the Common Good is emphasized over the Power of Elites, while maintaining a capitalist system and freedom of innovation." "The world has never seen what can happen when military is only used to keep the peace and prevent brutality, instead of to prop up evil dictators and corporatist regimes." " The world has never seen what can happen when government is completely transparent."
Ok, so we can generally agree about the common good being emphasized over the "Power of Elites" while still maintaining a capitalist system and freedom of innovation. But, how do we know the "Common Good" is not already emphasized by the existing capitalist system? Capitalism has consistently improved the lives of both poor and rich. Our standard of living is improved every year. New and cheaper technologies benefit everyone eventually. Would you rather be poor 100 years ago or today?
Now let's see what this writer thinks the evil consverative dystopia is:
" where local control is prioritized over federal control;"
" where taxes are virtually nonexistent;" " where military spending is over 90% of the budget;"
"where the nation's leaders claim authority straight from God, and rely solely on religious doctrine for their legal authority;"
"where women's obligation is to bear children and be subservient to their husbands, with no access to abortion;"
"where public education does not exist, and is restricted solely to private and homeschool--usually religious;"
"where foreigners are viewed with deep suspicion;"
"where all other priorities are sacrificed at the altar of military victory;"
"where "indecent art" is not tolerated by the government;"
" Tell them, in other words, to go to hell. Because their hell already exists on earth. And these fuckers ALLOW it to continue to exist."Imagine, that...a world with low taxes and more local rather than federal control.
Labels: conservatism, daily kos, dystopia, liberlaism, utopia
earth to idiot: if you want to have the guts to play with the big boys, have the guts to point out what they're actually saying.
The post pointed out that the conservative utopia most closely resembled pre-9/11 Afghanistan.
Which it does.
Not, of course, that you have the guts to actually debate that point on its merits.
In any case, you and your buddies are going down in November and you know it. Real Americans aren't going to let you turn this great country into the hellhole that is your "conservative" utopia.
The post clearly identified what a conservative Utopia would be and what a liberal Utopia would be.
I saw nothing in the post on conservatives Utopia that resembled "pre-9/11 Afghanistan" which I'm guessing you mean the Taliban.
How intelligent you are to compare American conservatism to the Taliban! You are some intellectual.
And don't get your blood up by accusing me of not having the guts when it was your site that didn't have the guts to hear an opposing view.
I am here for debate. No censorship. No holds barred. You call yourself one of the "big boys", I see nothing but women and effeminate men on DKos.
Perhaps, you should spend less time watching The Matrix and more time actually studying history and economics.
But, thanks for your comment.
Ah november will be sweet.
Shall you join us with another sockpuppet at DailyKos to discuss our trouncing of the GOP that fateful Wednesday?
I can't wait. I'll surely have forgotten about your blog by tomorrow so please make sure to remind me you exist before election day .... you're one that I certainly will be sure to converse with the next day.
You should really try some reading comprehension tutoring though. You're obviously VERY lacking in that department as your trolling at Daily Kos showed.
tlh lib, your comments were way out of line and bordered on threatening. You cannot post anyones IP or other personal information on this public blog. Also, your vulgar language violates ad banner rules so I had to delete your comments.
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