DKos says: Racist Misogynist George Allen Spat At Me 10 Years Ago

Here you go folks. Some brave soul has come forward to claim that George Allen spit tobacco juice on her foot. See comments after the diary claiming Mr. Allen is also a racist.
Please remember to visit the actual link to these diaries. They are priceless.
"Then, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia gathered up a glob of tobacco-laced saliva. He used his lips to squirt it out, as if he had practiced. The spit landed just at the tip of my shoe. He grinned, but didn't say a word. Then he walked into the building."
Here's one of the comments posted for this diary (notice all the recommendations for the comment):
Not only a racist (89+ / 0-)
- Recommended by:
- Sharoney, Stoy, Troutfishing, clone12, Sandy on Signal, Bexley Lane, blksista, theran, sobermom, grndrush, Joe B, iCaroline, musicsleuth, New Sweden, HStewart, madhaus, shermanesq, opinionated, justme, susakinovember, biscobosco, AlyoshaKaramazov, vmibran, Fe, Miss Blue, lirtydies, suzq, cathy b, Dallasdoc, draftchrisheinz, Caldonia, jamfan, snakelass, graciella, Eddie Haskell, 313to212, ChaosMouse, kd texan, rapala, vcmvo2, maybeeso in michigan, BadgerGirl, Harkov311, deBOraaah, fiestygrrl, LisaZ, Heiuan, mjd in florida, catleigh, Brooke In Seattle, jfadden, LNK, Mr X, Yamara, aerdrie faenya, Floja Roja, Lisa Lockwood, Rogneid, Alan Arizona, alh, lgmcp, elliott, PatsBard, mooshter, Dvalkure, vome minnesota, StrayCat, Lashe, myrealname, hrambo16, Timothy J, Stripe, means are the ends, pat of butter in a sea of grits, Mike McL, Balam, dotsright, Loudoun County Dem, Tailspinterry, yoduuuh do or do not, kath25, shruticounseling, Ninepatch, 7November, ERyd, lizpolaris, Coolwateroverstones, Progressive Chick, urgello
but a misogynist. How dare a woman interrupt when men are having a serious conversation? I thought W's neck massage of Angela Merkel was bad, but this story reveals a contempt for women that is truly breathtaking. No wonder his sister hates him.
Labels: daily kos george allen, misogynist, racist, spit
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