DKos Condones Violence Against Conservatives
This outspoken conservaitve student of Oakland University in Michigan and executive director of the Michigan College Republicans was beaten after receiving a threatening email from gay rights group. One side of his face was crushed and he now needs major surgery to rebuild it.
The Michigan College Republicans are now claiming this was a hate crime against conservatives by the militant left.
So, despite the fact that the Krazy Kosmonauts disagree with the victims politics, we should expect sympathy from them anyway, right? Violence against speech (even speech you don't agree with) is wrong isn't it? Here's some comments posted on DKos in response the story:
"It couldn't be that maybe he started drinking & spewing his bullshit views about Gays, Abortion or some other crap totally unrelated to politics at the party, and pissed the wrong person off."
"I feel no pity for him. if that makes me a bad person then so be it. some people need their asses kicked once in a while. maybe now he knows what it's like to be a gay person who worries about getting the shit kicked out of them everyday.""Justin, Republican, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."
Drop a rock, it falls
Divide a country, they fight.
Torture an enemy, they fight harder.While I do think violence was the wrong answer, this guy basically stepped on a rake and whined when it hit him in the face."
"I'm trying to find some sympathy. it's not under the counter, it's not in my pockets, doesn't apear to be on my thumb drive, (it's only 128 mb, but that would be more than enough room) it's not stuffed into the bottom of my cigarette pack (although I did find something else in there I'd forgotten about that'll come in handy in a couple hours here)......I'll keep looking......."
"That guy is a pussy. For fuck's sake, take off that diaper and take your ass-whipping like a real man!"
"I thought young replicants were tough. they endorse violence against blacks, asians, muslims, gays, and anyone that doesn't follow the party line. payback is a bitch. maybe he ought to get his candyass into the military where he can learn to defend himself, and then defend his country.
tung sol""Good. Violence may not be the answer, but sometimes it's good to get it wrong on purpose.
I'm always amazed at the hateful individual who preaches hatred, becomes a victim of hatred, and then bitches about it.
You reap what you sow, junior. No sympathy, and in fact my day just got a little happier."
There's plenty more where that came from. Nice people aren't they?
Labels: daily kos, hate crime, liberals, violence
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