Wednesday, September 27, 2006

DKos says: Last Six Years Just A Dream; We'll Wake Up To Pres. Gore

We can all breathe a giant sigh of relief. The last six years were just a bad dream. We will all eventually wake up:

There's that metallic adrenaline taste again. That's how I know it's a dream, and that's how I know I'm about to wake up.

When I wake up, I will scream, and feel my heart pounding in my chest, and wipe a feverish sweat from my brow as sleep gives way to waking consciousness and I realize none of it was real.

So, what will be reality when we wake up? What is the world really like?

Then I'll walk to the den, grab the remote, and turn on the morning news to confirm what I already know -- Bush was never inaugurated, 9/11 never happened, nor the disgraces of the six years I imagined in my nightmare. And there will be President Gore, announcing that in fact the last six years of peace and prosperity have afforded America the luxury of investing in and developing enough renewable fuels to end our dependence on not just foreign oil, but fossil fuels themselves, and have afforded America the ability to provide health care for every single one of its citizens.

I will awake from this nightmare and find America alive.

Poor DKos members. They claimed to be reality-based but they have only been living in a dream. Instead of working on plans for illegal immigration and fighting terror, they wallow in their own dream world.

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Blogger kestrel9000 said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:47 PM  
Blogger Scipio said...

lol...typical dkos form of communication. You see, in the Land Of Kos, obscenities pass for intelligence.

That's ok kestrel9000. You will not be censored here.

BTW, I didn't email you.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Scipio said...

any threatening comments must be deleted. not my rules...

2:30 AM  

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