DKos Predicts A National Housing/Healthcare BLOODBATH

In their trademark dramatic style, these Krazy Kosmonauts are claiming the nation will experience a "bloodbath" in the housing and healthcare industries.
In this prophetic diary, the writer predicts a bloodbath in the housing market very soon. While most people have been waiting for the housing bubble to burst for a long time, this writer believes he discovered something new. And he really wants to scare you. In reality, after years of booming home prices, housing is now becoming more affordable. Relax, it will be ok.
In another diary also using the dramatic "bloodbath" hyperbole, the writer is predicting a national healthcare crisis as healthcare costs keep rising. Now, it's no secret our healthcare system needs fixing, but the writer is claiming that nothing short of universal healthcare will work. The writer even bashes the popular Health Savings Accounts, which is a simple voluntary program that lets workers divert a portion of their gross income into a special savings account.
Labels: bloodbath, daily kos, drama, healthcare, housing
Hi. One of you put a link to here in a comment on my blog. Now that I'm outta that horrible place, I have a piece of my mind on the whole shebang: Hypo-Kos-risy.
Thanks for the invitation to look at your blog.
Thanks for your support, zionistyyoungster. I read your blog and your conclusions are correct: the DKos site is the worst offender when it comes to censorship. The FCC stands in awe of DKos.
But, here's the great thing about the internet: we can all respond to the left's idiocy, just not on the left's blogs. That's ok. This site has received over 1000 hits since it was started two days ago.
Folks come here and see the lunacy that passes for intelligence on DKos. I don't make any of this up. I post in response to actual diaries written by actual DKos members.
Anyone who reads these diaries will understand why the liberals should never be allowed to take power. It seems liberals now like to call themselves Progressives though I have yet to hear anyone explain what the difference is. But, liberal or progressive, they are all Socialists and Communists to me. Just read their theories on how America should be run. They hate being called Socialists yet they whole-heartily embrace socialist, communist and populist ideologies.
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