DKos says: George Allen's New Nickname Is Sen. Macacawitz

What is it with the liberals concerned over George Allen and his Jewish heritage? The nickname seems like some kind Star Of David patch Mr. Allen must wear to signify his Jewish-ness. I really don't understand why liberals are so obsessed with this. Could it be a subtle anti-Semitism?
Labels: anti-Semitism, daily kos, george allen, macaca
You don't appear to understand the difference between a front page post and a diary.
i sure do. Most posts on dkos are diaries. diaries represent the views of dkos members. diaries get for more comments than the so called "front page posts".
A heavily censored site like dkos should be judged on what they allow to be posted. If it was a more open blog, we would see a more diverse set of opinions on the site. But, DKos constantly purges itself of dissenting opinions. That is why for every diary posted, 99.99% of all comments are supportive of the diary.
I've seen members post comments such as "Chavez for Prez" and "We need a coup against Bush" that actually get "uprated" to show approval. But, post something in support of WalMart or basic economics and watch how fast they get banned.
So, it is perfectly reasonable to judge DKos on what it allows to be posted in it's diary section.
I'm posting here in re to your post on the Rott. You have attacked a place that believes the 1st Admenment applies to only what they agree with.
They are also an army that will swarm those they disagree with and shout them down. All I can say is good luck, you've taken on an elphant with a pea shooter. Don't despair, just fight the good fight and do what you see fit to get your message out. I wrote under anonymous as it wouldn't recognize my log in
Thanks for your support. You're about the pea shooter. This Blogger sucks. I think I may have to buy my own domain name
"You're right about the pea shooter"
Hey, you gotta start somewhere. You're off to a good start. Even Emperor Misha I started on blogspot, The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
- Get your practice in and go from there. I like what you've written so far and I'll try to drop by.
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