DKos says: Bush Spreading Conservative Terror

[1-Consolidating power within the executive branch to an unprecedented degree
2-Two major wars, one started with questionable intelligence and in a manner with which the military disagreed
3-Placing on the Supreme Court two far-right justices, and stacking the lower federal courts with many more
4-Cutting taxes during wartime, an unprecedented event.
5-Passing a number of controversial bills such as the PATRIOT Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare Drug bill, the Bankruptcy bill and a number of massive tax cuts
10-Winning re-election and solidifying his party's grip on Congress
11-Katrina a disaster for Republicans and President Bush? Not if you think about it as a Conservative victory because it enhanced the popular perception that the federal government is inept and unable to help ordinary citizens, though Bush's own popularity may have suffered.
The writer goes on to compare this "Conservative Terror" to Islamic terror because "in the end its aim, not unlike that of the islamic terrorists, is to victimize, tyrannize, torment, intimidate, threaten and scare americans, not to mention gradually destroy our standard of living, our rights, our laws and our way of life. "
So, the evil Conservative Terror has given us a "number of massive tax cuts". Those bastards!
Labels: bush, conservatism, daily kos
When i see Dubya, Rummie or Condi beheading someone on TV, I'll beleive the moral equivilacy thing,
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