Friday, September 29, 2006

1539 Troll Accusations In One Week On DKos!

Modern McCarthy-ism running rampant on DKos.

The Great Troll Scare is turning normally calm and peaceful lefties into a paranoid mob of thought censors.

Accusing a blogger of trolling used to mean the blogger was being disruptive by posting off-topic remarks or by spreading lies.

But, DKos appears to have morphed the concept into a mob-rules group-think mechanism. So rampant are the accusations that most diaries now have near 100% agreement in reader responses.

The 1539 troll accusations tops discussions on the economy, Afghanistan, the troops, crime, immigration and Islam. Many DKos members now spend almost half their time either making troll accusations or defending themselves from troll accusations.

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DKos Says: I Will NOT Calm The Fuck Down!

In a defiant diary, this writer rebukes a previous call for DKos members to calm down and discuss issues other than torture.

"I won't. My anger is righteous and I'm entitled to it."

There is a larger issue. Liberals seem outraged because they feel they are not being heard. So they scream louder. But, everyone hears them. All the time. Nonstop. That's the problem.

The liberal's own party barely listens to them. Why should they? The liberals have proven to be irrational and disproportionate in their outrage.

People have a hard time listening to the lunatic left, even when the left has a valid point. No one likes to be scolded or shouted at. But, that seems to be the only way liberals know how to make a point. There is no calmness for their outrage over the war in Iraq. And there is no calmness over WalMart cashiers making $8 an hour.

Perhaps, the angry left would be taken seriously if they offered a solution along with their rage. But, for every issue, the left's solution is either to do nothing or embrace Socialism.

Social Security? We cannot let citizens have their own accounts. Keep it 100% in government control.
WalMart? Evil. Government should dramatically raise the minimum wage.
College Tuition to high? Government should pay for it.
Healthcare costs too high? Government should pay for it.
School choice? Only government controlled education is allowed.
Taxes? Should be raised because government knows better than citizens on how to spend it.
Paycheck too small? Government will mandate a pay raise.
Rent too high? Government will control the price.
Make too much money? Government will take more of it.
Iraq? Shouldn't be there.
If not Iraq, where? Darfur
Spying on terrorists? No
Prisoners of War? No
Aggressive Interrogation? No.
Ethnic Profiling at airports? No.
Stop illegal immigration? No.
Health Savings Accounts? No.
Make English official language? No.

There is no alternative plan from the liberals that 1) doesn't tie the nation's hands behind it's back, and 2) doesn't push the nation towards Socialism. Additionally, every one of the issues listed above evokes outrage from the left. So, in the end, no one really takes liberals seriously. The nation rewards or punishes Republicans based on Republican ideas, not on Democratic alternatives.

For the sake of having a strong two party government, please calm down.
For the sake of the Republican Party, please do NOT calm the fuck down.

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Message To Dkos Members: Article I Section 9

"The priviledge of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."


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DKos Condones Violence Against Conservatives

This outspoken conservaitve student of Oakland University in Michigan and executive director of the Michigan College Republicans was beaten after receiving a threatening email from gay rights group. One side of his face was crushed and he now needs major surgery to rebuild it.

The Michigan College Republicans are now claiming this was a hate crime against conservatives by the militant left.

So, despite the fact that the Krazy Kosmonauts disagree with the victims politics, we should expect sympathy from them anyway, right? Violence against speech (even speech you don't agree with) is wrong isn't it? Here's some comments posted on DKos in response the story:

"It couldn't be that maybe he started drinking & spewing his bullshit views about Gays, Abortion or some other crap totally unrelated to politics at the party, and pissed the wrong person off."

"I feel no pity for him. if that makes me a bad person then so be it. some people need their asses kicked once in a while. maybe now he knows what it's like to be a gay person who worries about getting the shit kicked out of them everyday."

"Justin, Republican, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."


Drop a rock, it falls
Divide a country, they fight.
Torture an enemy, they fight harder.

While I do think violence was the wrong answer, this guy basically stepped on a rake and whined when it hit him in the face."

"I'm trying to find some sympathy. it's not under the counter, it's not in my pockets, doesn't apear to be on my thumb drive, (it's only 128 mb, but that would be more than enough room) it's not stuffed into the bottom of my cigarette pack (although I did find something else in there I'd forgotten about that'll come in handy in a couple hours here)......I'll keep looking......."

"That guy is a pussy. For fuck's sake, take off that diaper and take your ass-whipping like a real man!"

"I thought young replicants were tough. they endorse violence against blacks, asians, muslims, gays, and anyone that doesn't follow the party line. payback is a bitch. maybe he ought to get his candyass into the military where he can learn to defend himself, and then defend his country.
tung sol"

"Good. Violence may not be the answer, but sometimes it's good to get it wrong on purpose.

I'm always amazed at the hateful individual who preaches hatred, becomes a victim of hatred, and then bitches about it.

You reap what you sow, junior. No sympathy, and in fact my day just got a little happier."

There's plenty more where that came from. Nice people aren't they?

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The Weak Liberal Man

Here's a diary that sums up the liberal man. A woman tells the writer she is pregnant and he is the father. The woman asks him what she should do. The writer gives what may be the weakest, most pathetic answer ever uttered by man:

"Hun, as a Catholic I will never give my approval for an abortion. But as a liberal, I can't tell you what you should do and this is something I've accepted as part of being pro-choice. It's your body; your choice; you tell me."

I believe this answer sums up the current state of the liberal man: weak, confused, ambivalent, and irresolute.

Here, we see a man who knows abortion is morally wrong. But the moral wrongness conflicts with his identity as a liberal. What to do, what to do! Ah, I'll give her an ambivalent answer that will make me seem sensitive and at the same time washes my hands clean of the brutal act.

Is this what women are looking for in men today? Weak and irresolute?

So, the woman asks him again, what should she do?

"I would want you to have it. I may be pro-choice but the last thing I ever want anyone to have is an abortion. It's purely a rights thing. I'll tell you what I will do.

If you decide to not have it, I'll be there for you during the abortion. I'll go with you and I'll be there whenever you need my counseling afterwards. But if you do that, I don't think I'll be able to feel anything towards you. I can't help that. I'm only capable of so much. I won't hate you, but I wouldn't be able to be with you.

If you decide to keep it, I'll take care of the baby. You don't have to stick around if you don't want to."

How weak and pathetic! This woman was looking to the man for wise and insightful advice. Yet, he was resolute in being irresolute. Again, he knows what the right thing to do is but he over-thinks the issue by getting it confused with his political identity.

This may seem like a rather harsh judgement on the writer. Granted, hearing about an unplanned pregnancy from someone other than your wife is an understandbly stressful situation. But, it is in those stressful times where a man's sense of right and wrong should guide him. She was counting on that manly moral compass. Yet, he let her down.

This is the problem with the Democratic Party and why there is no clear leader who stands out. In fact, many on the left believe their toughest politician is actual someone named Hillary! There are no strong, manly leaders on the left.

In the end, the writer learns the woman's pregnancy was a false alarm. Yet, he seems to be satisifed that he managed to straddle the abortion dilemma by being sensitive yet indecisive.

There was a battle in the writers mind between his liberal identity and morality. Liberalism won.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Kos Scolds Kosmonauts: "Stop whining. Stop bitching."

Apparently, all the infighting and doom and gloom among DKos members has finally gotten to their fierce leader, Kos.

He posted a blistering front page story today scolding his minions to "Stop whining. Stop bitching."

But, it doesn't appear many Krazy Kosmonauts are listening.

Diaries are still being posted on DKos claiming a Democratic defeat this November.

This diarist complains that Kos "goes too far deriding us as "whiners," "bitchers" and "complainers" simply for daring to actually be shocked--SHOCKED--that the Democratic party can't rouse itself"

The writer also calls the Kos scolding condescending.

Still other diaries have been posted predicting a Democratic loss. The writer pleads to Democrats: " Dont worry about the political winds...just stand for something for once."

And yet another Democratic defeatist diary claims

"I gave of my money, my time, my sweat, my heart, earnest endeavors in order to elect Democrats because I believed they were the best to govern the nation. But at this moment, the Democratic Party is at risk of losing me."

It apears the Krazy Kosmonauts, having purged themselves of all dissenting opinion, are now revolting on themselves. If they can't even hold their own party together, how can we expect them to unite the country as they love to claim?

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DKos Posts Link To Disgusting Anti-Allen Deer Killing Political Ad

DKos sinks to new low! Posts an anti-George Allen diary with link to new political ad showing a deer being shot in the head.

Ladies and gentleman, this is what liberals and "progressives" have resorted to. They have no good ideas on how to improve this country. But, they are very good at creating drama. Disgusting.

Here's a quote from the diarist, "Ha ha ha, I could barely breath for about 5 minutes after I watched this."

What sick, immoral people they are!

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DKos says: Last Six Years Just A Dream; We'll Wake Up To Pres. Gore

We can all breathe a giant sigh of relief. The last six years were just a bad dream. We will all eventually wake up:

There's that metallic adrenaline taste again. That's how I know it's a dream, and that's how I know I'm about to wake up.

When I wake up, I will scream, and feel my heart pounding in my chest, and wipe a feverish sweat from my brow as sleep gives way to waking consciousness and I realize none of it was real.

So, what will be reality when we wake up? What is the world really like?

Then I'll walk to the den, grab the remote, and turn on the morning news to confirm what I already know -- Bush was never inaugurated, 9/11 never happened, nor the disgraces of the six years I imagined in my nightmare. And there will be President Gore, announcing that in fact the last six years of peace and prosperity have afforded America the luxury of investing in and developing enough renewable fuels to end our dependence on not just foreign oil, but fossil fuels themselves, and have afforded America the ability to provide health care for every single one of its citizens.

I will awake from this nightmare and find America alive.

Poor DKos members. They claimed to be reality-based but they have only been living in a dream. Instead of working on plans for illegal immigration and fighting terror, they wallow in their own dream world.

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DKos Predicts A National Housing/Healthcare BLOODBATH

In their trademark dramatic style, these Krazy Kosmonauts are claiming the nation will experience a "bloodbath" in the housing and healthcare industries.

In this prophetic diary, the writer predicts a bloodbath in the housing market very soon. While most people have been waiting for the housing bubble to burst for a long time, this writer believes he discovered something new. And he really wants to scare you. In reality, after years of booming home prices, housing is now becoming more affordable. Relax, it will be ok.

In another diary also using the dramatic "bloodbath" hyperbole, the writer is predicting a national healthcare crisis as healthcare costs keep rising. Now, it's no secret our healthcare system needs fixing, but the writer is claiming that nothing short of universal healthcare will work. The writer even bashes the popular Health Savings Accounts, which is a simple voluntary program that lets workers divert a portion of their gross income into a special savings account.

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DKos Obsessed With Bush And Torture

Here are search results for one week of comments on DKos:

Bush - 8400
Torture - 3837
Iraq - 3290
Economy - 880
Crime - 859
Troops - 838
Afghanistan - 436
Immigration - 398
Islam - 303

(Note: these search results are a moving target so numbers will vary)

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

DKos says: Bush Spreading Conservative Terror

Is Bush incompotent? Or is he evil? Or is he both? This writer tackles these tough questions and determines: Bush is compotent at being evil and bent on spreading a "Conservative Terror". What defines a "Conservative Terror" you ask? Here's a few:

[1-Consolidating power within the executive branch to an unprecedented degree

2-Two major wars, one started with questionable intelligence and in a manner with which the military disagreed

3-Placing on the Supreme Court two far-right justices, and stacking the lower federal courts with many more

4-Cutting taxes during wartime, an unprecedented event.

5-Passing a number of controversial bills such as the PATRIOT Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare Drug bill, the Bankruptcy bill and a number of massive tax cuts

10-Winning re-election and solidifying his party's grip on Congress

11-Katrina a disaster for Republicans and President Bush? Not if you think about it as a Conservative victory because it enhanced the popular perception that the federal government is inept and unable to help ordinary citizens, though Bush's own popularity may have suffered.

The writer goes on to compare this "Conservative Terror" to Islamic terror because "in the end its aim, not unlike that of the islamic terrorists, is to victimize, tyrannize, torment, intimidate, threaten and scare americans, not to mention gradually destroy our standard of living, our rights, our laws and our way of life. "

So, the evil Conservative Terror has given us a "number of massive tax cuts". Those bastards!

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DKos says: George Allen's New Nickname Is Sen. Macacawitz

What is it with the liberals concerned over George Allen and his Jewish heritage? The nickname seems like some kind Star Of David patch Mr. Allen must wear to signify his Jewish-ness. I really don't understand why liberals are so obsessed with this. Could it be a subtle anti-Semitism?

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DKos says: Racist Misogynist George Allen Spat At Me 10 Years Ago

Here you go folks. Some brave soul has come forward to claim that George Allen spit tobacco juice on her foot. See comments after the diary claiming Mr. Allen is also a racist.

Please remember to visit the actual link to these diaries. They are priceless.

"Then, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia gathered up a glob of tobacco-laced saliva. He used his lips to squirt it out, as if he had practiced. The spit landed just at the tip of my shoe. He grinned, but didn't say a word. Then he walked into the building."

Here's one of the comments posted for this diary (notice all the recommendations for the comment):

Not only a racist (89+ / 0-)

but a misogynist. How dare a woman interrupt when men are having a serious conversation? I thought W's neck massage of Angela Merkel was bad, but this story reveals a contempt for women that is truly breathtaking. No wonder his sister hates him.

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DKos says: Liberals Can Usher In An Age Of Utopia

This is a diary that sums up the liberal ideology. The Krazy Kosmonaut tries to contrast a conservative Utpoia to a liberal Utopia. So, what happens in a liberal's Utopia you ask? Here's a few:

"The world has never seen what can happen when the Common Good is emphasized over the Power of Elites, while maintaining a capitalist system and freedom of innovation." "The world has never seen what can happen when military is only used to keep the peace and prevent brutality, instead of to prop up evil dictators and corporatist regimes." " The world has never seen what can happen when government is completely transparent."

Ok, so we can generally agree about the common good being emphasized over the "Power of Elites" while still maintaining a capitalist system and freedom of innovation. But, how do we know the "Common Good" is not already emphasized by the existing capitalist system? Capitalism has consistently improved the lives of both poor and rich. Our standard of living is improved every year. New and cheaper technologies benefit everyone eventually. Would you rather be poor 100 years ago or today?

Now let's see what this writer thinks the evil consverative dystopia is:

" where local control is prioritized over federal control;"

" where taxes are virtually nonexistent;"
" where military spending is over 90% of the budget;"

"where the nation's leaders claim authority straight from God, and rely solely on religious doctrine for their legal authority;"

"where women's obligation is to bear children and be subservient to their husbands, with no access to abortion;"

"where public education does not exist, and is restricted solely to private and homeschool--usually religious;"

"where foreigners are viewed with deep suspicion;"

"where all other priorities are sacrificed at the altar of military victory;"

"where "indecent art" is not tolerated by the government;"

" Tell them, in other words, to go to hell. Because their hell already exists on earth. And these fuckers ALLOW it to continue to exist."

Imagine, that...a world with low taxes and more local rather than federal control.

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DKos says: Bush Family Linked To Hitler

Here's a bold claim:

The Bush/Hitler Connection.......Genocide/Eugenics

Some excerpts:
"The Bush family fortune was built on this relationship with the Nazi Party from it's inception in the early1930's , continuing until well after the war into the 1950's."


"No!" you say, "There is no way an American could share any common beliefs with Adolf Hitler, the demon that believed in Aryan Supremacy. It is unacceptable to think that the family of our president could agree with anything perpetrated by The Evil One that murdered millions of Jews, Gypsies, mentally ill, homosexuals and other undesirables."

Well, perhaps there is."

"So, here we have a family that enabled the Nazis, shared common beliefs of racial and class superiority and is engaged in hijacking Christianity for political purposes."

There is nothing these bastards will not stoop to."

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DKos says: We Finally Have A Clear Solution For Iraq (sort of)

This Krazy Kosmonaut has an answer to a tough GOP question:

'...well, what is the Democrat plan for Iraq? Huh? What? Huh? No plan? Huh?' or something along those lines.

The diarist claims the question is:
" one of those unanswerable questions meant to make Democrats seem clueless"

But, fear not, because the writer has had an "epiphany". The writer has come up with an answer so cogent that
"it makes enough sense for Democrats and liberals to use as a perfectly sound rebuttal...I even test drove it in a conversation tonight when the topic came up, and it sure make this Republican I was talking to STFU right away."

Wow! Sounds impressive. So what is the answer that will prove the Democrats have a clear and convincing plan for Iraq?

"We can't have a plan until we have full accountability. Until we go back a few steps and clarify exactly what got us into this mess, can we properly ascertain the correct action in Iraq. In other words before we can clearly plan for the future, we need to clarify some mysteries in our immediate past."

Well, I am speechless.

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Monday, September 25, 2006

DKos says: Republicans Literally Killing Off Liberals

Check this out. This DKos diarist insinuates Republicans and conservatives are literally killing Democrats.

Here's some excerpts:


Question #1: What are the odds against chance that the only U.S. political leaders to be assassinated in the past 100 years were Democratic or Progressive?

(All biographical and Anthrax Attacks information excerpted from Wikipedia entries.)

John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963), the 35th President of the United States.

Robert F. Kennedy (November 20, 1925 - June 6, 1968), a United States Senator from Massachusetts and candidate for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968), leader of the American Civil Rights Movement and peacemaker."


Question #4: What are the odds against chance that the only TV news outlets targeted in the 2001 Anthrax Attacks were ones accused of being "liberal" by some elements of the political right in the United States?

ABC News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

NBC News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

CBS News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Hmmm...all three major news networks were attacked...I do see a pattern there...

There's even a section listing Democrats who have died in plane crashes which includes JFK Jr.

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DKos says: Government Knows Best When It Comes To Happiness

Here's a scary post: Policy and Happiness. The diarist is saying government should raise taxes because American citizens will just spend it on frivolous items that won't make them happy. Very scary stuff.

"It won't be easy to convince the average commuting suburbanite that maybe they'd be happier with a somewhat smaller house, on a smaller lot, in an actual neighborhood, and riding (gasp) public transit to work--if in exchange they could have some REALLY GREAT public amenities. Even if we throw in guaranteed health care. That whole part of our consciousness has become stunted and dormant. We get a vague glimmer of it when we visit places like Paris, or historic places in the U.S. (Annapolis comes to mind), then we head back home and the spark goes out as we pull the SUV into the 3-car garage and switch on the wide-screen satellite TV. 'Cause we're isolated, self-absorbed, ruggedly individualistic wealthy bastards, and that's the way we like it! God bless America! Greatest country in the world!"

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DKos says: Bush racist because blacks are being killed in Darfur

Here's a heart-wrenching diary on the tragedy in Darfur. While the subject is serious, the general maudlin tone of the diarist is silly. But, this is how DKos folks write: they use emotion rather than reason. They use their hatred for Bush to substitute for actual thought. As serious as the subject matter was, I couldn't help laughing at this one. Only a DKos member can make this funny. Here's a link to the diary.

"Time goes on and one day you read about a congressional resolution for Darfur. A unanimously passed resolution. And you are so happy. And you think maybe this will help. Maybe. But then you hear the Bush Administration is attempting to block this unanimously passed resolution. This is when you learn that the government of Khartoum is a secret ally in The War On Terror. And suddenly you are mad. You are so mad you throw something across the room. You never get that mad."

My response is below.

An organization of world leaders created for the sole purpose of protecting the weak. You look around and find such an organization; it is called the United Nations.

You finally are able to rest easy with that knowledge that such a heroic organization like the UN will step in and save the victims in Darfur. All that is needed is a mere $50,000,000. That's it. Surely, an organization comprised of all the worlds nations can contribute $50 million to such a good cause.

But, alas, the UN does not give the badly needed $50 million. You again begin to cry yourself to sleep every night wondering, who is the leader of the UN and why won't he help? Is it because the people of Darfur are black and he is a racist? That must be the reason. So, who is this leader? A man named Kofi Annan. But, wait! he's black! How can this be?

You cannot sleep. You cannot eat. You can't even enjoy a Starbucks Frappacino anymore. There's blacks suffering in Darfur but you just can't bring yourself to blame the black leader of the UN.

Then, you glance over at the cover of The New York Times paper. There's a picture of President Bush. Apparently, some leader has called him the devil. Surely, the devil is enjoying the suffering at Darfur, you think. Yes. Bush is to blame.

You order a vanilla frappaccino and sip it while reading the NYT in a comfy sofa at Starbucks. People need to know what I have learned, you think. You decide to write a diary. It will be the best diary ever. People will respond and tell me how great it is.

Later that night, you complete your diary. You turn off the stereo that's been playing your Jack Johnson CD, blow out your incense candles, and fall into deep, deep sleep.

DKos says: No Whites Allowed

The picture you see here was posted on a diary in the Land Of Kos to show what happens when white people get together.

"In fact, the White Pride movement that dominated American history was so strong that Southern whites, full of pride and believing that southern blacks didn't deserve to vote (despite the fact that the law guaranteed them this right), murdered in the name of white pride anyone who stood in their way:"

Here's some of the comments posted in response to the diary.
"You want to know what I really think? I think a proposed white-pride day, even if it was all about generosity and compassion, would be
offensive in the extreme."

"The idea of "celebrating" white culture or what have you is a bad idea, even if the intent is harmless."

"celebration of all the great things that white people have done in this country, make sure it is held on a Native American Indian reservation.

Talk about people who have shed blood in defense of their country.....

And no, college scholarships don't fucking make up for genocide.

Don't get me started."

Nice folks, huh?

DKos on Chavez: He Ain't So Bad

Read about it here and here.


I love Chavez (13+ / 0-)

He puts his money where his mouth is, and he speaks truth to power.

He doesn't play ball with The Powers That Be, who would normally wreck and ruin his nation.

He survived a U.S. backed coup, so he's, ahem, a little pissed off about it.

Wouldn't you be?

How can you not root for David in the David vs. Goliath that is Chavez vs. Bush?"

Chavez for President! (n/t) (4+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
Inky, slatsg, buhdydharma, goldkeyrealty

Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State. ~Edward Abbey

Chavez for Prez (2+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
bonesy, artisan

why can't our Democratic leaders give speeches like that? Honestly, compare Bush to Chavez: why is Bush better?

Notice all the recommendations for those comments.

Welcome to your Sanctuary

They are over-emotional. They are angry. They are tacky. And they’re not too bright. They are the Krazy Kosmonauts over at the Land Of Kos.

On your journey through the Land Of Kos, you encounter many strange people. They have warped theories on economics, morality, and foreign affairs. You may have tried to have an honest debate with these people, only to find “people-power” is nothing but a mob-rules mentality bent on crushing all dissenting thought. You see, in the Land Of Kos, censorship and obscenities substitute for debate. Before you know it, your account has been disabled, your comments marked “hidden” and your diaries destroyed. You have been exiled from the Land Of Kos.

Well, my fellow adventurers, this is your Sanctuary! Here, you are free to express your thoughts, ideas and criticism of all the Krazy Kosmonaut diaries.

Is there a particular diary or comment on the Land Of Kos that you are dying to respond to or ridicule? Post the link here. Post your comments here. Debate it here. Let those Krazy Kosmonauts venture to our Sanctuary to see what is really being said about their diaries.